That's great to hear! What inspired you to go for a run today? Was it the weather, or something else that motivated you?
Earlier in the day I was on a call with a colleague, and she had just come back from a run. I expressed some jealousy, noted the unseasonably warm weather, and we talked about how it really was a great way to quite your mind and do some real thinking.
It sounds like you had a great conversation with your colleague about the benefits of running. Can you tell me more about how running helps quiet your mind and do some real thinking?
The conversation wasn't so much about running. That was just an aside, but we did talk about how being away from the desk removed a lot of distractions.
How does being away from the desk remove distractions and help with real thinking?
You know, no emails or alerts on your phone. Also, I work from home most days. So, it means being away from the demands of parenting. It's a socially acceptable way to have some "me time."
I went for a run today. Earlier in the day, I was on a call with a colleague and she had just come back from a run. I expressed some jealousy, noted the unseasonably warm weather, and we talked about how it really was a great way to quiet your mind and do some real thinking. The conversation wasn't so much about running. That was just an aside, but we did talk about how being away from the desk removed a lot of distractions. You know, no emails or alerts on your phone. Also, I work from home most days, so it means being away from the demands of parenting. It's a socially acceptable way to have some "me time."
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Saved Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 10:09 pm